Introduction (new)
This trip started with both my brother, Robert, and I going in one direction around the world, it has now evolved into both of us heading in separate directions continuing our respective world trips on different courses using our individual approaches to greet the world as we see it. Travelling, diverging, laughing and crying. And the trip has only just begun. So here I am in Goa writing this introduction, to an otherwise unchanged précis of our life
We were born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. We are one year apart in age and were practically raised as twins
(when we weren't too busy killing each other). Robert moved to London in 1993 and Steven followed suit in 1995.
Apart from Steven living in New York for a year, we have lived in London ever since. We have both been working as
freelance computer consultants, until we decided to see the world on two wheels. From the time we decided to do this
trip we had six weeks to do everything.
Planning a trip in six weeks required the following: buying the new motorcycles; getting visas for every country from
England to New Zealand; buying camping equipment (never been camping before!);
learning how to change a tyre (thanks Langley); getting two carnet de passages for the bikes (thanks to the AA);
moving out of our flat; buying luggage (twice - it is a long story); learning how to read a map (thanks Mike and Barron);
driving to Birmingham to get our two-way radios (thanks Darren); and all the other personal affairs-type stuff that one needs to do.
Robert handled most of the paperwork whilst Steven had to work one month's notice. Ever tried to concentrate when you know that you will be riding a motorbike around the world in a matter of days? It all seemed so easy.
So that is the story, boring eh? Perhaps we shall have more to tell upon our return...